GLA:D Program for osteoarthritis

GLA:D® is a proven education and exercise program, developed by researchers in Denmark for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis symptoms.

Research from the GLA:D® program in Australia shows an average pain reduction of 36%, reduced analgesic consumption, reduction in the perceived need for surgery and clinically meaningful improvement in joint confidence.

In the management of osteoarthritis, clinical guidelines recommend patient education, exercise and weight loss as the first line of treatment. This program is unique in that the education and exercises provided can be applied to everyday activities.

By strengthening and correcting daily movement patterns, participants will train their bodies to move properly, prevent symptom progression and reduce pain.

GLA:D®: What you need to know

  • A detailed one-on-one physiotherapy assessment is required prior to commencing the GLA:D® program.
  • The GLA:D® program runs for six weeks and consists of two education sessions and 12 group neuromuscular training sessions (2 x weekly).
  • Claimable through health insurance extras cover


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