Falls & Balance

Prevention and management of falls can be a lifesaving treatment for anyone.

Our Falls and Balance program is run by a physiotherapist who can accurately identify the causes relating to your falls and offer specific treatment to target these issues. This 12-week program offers comprehensive assessment, strength and balance exercises to improve your confidence to stay on your feet and participate in an active and fulfilling life. If you have had a fall or are concerned of falling, this is for you!

Benefits of our program:

  • Improved confidence with mobility
  • Improved strength and balance
  • Improved ability to carry out day-to-day activities

We recommend the following supplementary resources for information regarding falls management and treatment:

Stay on Your Feet

We also have the AlterG anti-gravity Treadmill to assist with gait-training.

Frequently Asked Questions

Exercise can assist prevention of falls by improving your balance, muscle strength and spatial awareness. Exercise can be prescribed in many ways, depending on your personal goals and preferences. For example, you may prefer to exercise in a group or alone. Dance or gentle exercise to music are also popular options. You may even wish to try exercising in the water (hydrotherapy).

A falls prevention program assists people to lower the risk of falls and subsequent injury. The program consists of the following: 

  • Assessment of your own personal risk of falling and whether you have a history of falls
  • Education about how to set up your home and physical environment
  • Advice about appropriate footwear and walking aids
  • Advice about nutrition and alcohol consumption
  • Education regarding your vision and eyesight
  • Education about how chronic illnesses and medications may affect your balance and risk of falls
  • Prescription of exercise and movement to improve your balance
Up to 30% of people aged over 65 years of age suffer a fall at least once a year. Falls can result in injury, fractures and a fear of falling again. This may result in a person participating less in social activities, housework and other aspects of life. There is a large body of scientific evidence which supports the use of exercise programs in the prevention of falls.

In Australia, a referral is not required to be able to see an allied health professional such as a physiotherapist, occupational therapist or exercise physiologist, although it is often helpful for you to bring as much information about your health history as well as any specific medical or surgical details that relate to your reason for seeing a physiotherapist. There are a few exceptions to this, where you will need to obtain a referral from your GP prior to attending our clinic. This includes:

  • Workers Compensation Claims
  • CTP (Third Party) Road Accident Claims
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Claims
  • Medicare Claims (e.g. Chronic Disease Management referral)

Services used in this treatment plan include

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If you are suffering through a fear of falling, or have previously fallen due to balance issues, see us about working on a personalised treatment plan to successfully manage your condition.